A Moment to Pause and Reflect

As we look towards the new year, Generation6 is grateful to be collaborating with proactive enterprising families. The unprecedented uncertainty in our world, especially over the last two years, has made it more imperative that family enterprises, especially their leaders commit to an ongoing practice to develop their capacity and their agility. This is not only a worthwhile investment for the enterprises, but perhaps more importantly for the health and well-being of your family.

As 2021 passes into memory, it is important to pause and reflect on the past year. This year has certainly been challenging for families and the enterprises they engage in. Certainty and stability felt elusive. Often discussions in families felt more difficult than ever. The ambient stress impacted us all.

In some ways it seemed fitting that Generation6 was launched in 2021 during such turbulent times. There could not be a more important time to help. In just our first few months we have a growing stream of clients. Families who have used the challenges of recent times to reflect and decide to invest in strengthening both their families and their enterprises. To develop everyone’s capacity, especially those in leadership positions. Capacity to be more self-aware, cultivate deeper empathy, more effectively frame complex issues, and create value from change (i.e., innovate). That capacity building needs to be paired with developing agility. Agility is knowing what style or gear is most effective in each situation. Is it best to advocate or be more accommodating? To be a take charge leader or be in more of a coaching mode? This is analogous to the capacity we all gain related to transportation. We all crawl, then walk, then run, most of us ride a bike, then drive a car, and even a few of us even become pilots. Yet the agility comes in when the pilot decides to walk to the neighbors, drive across town, and fly to Canada.

Developing your family’s and enterprises’ capacity and agility may be the best investment to help keep your family connected, including having those difficult conversations more effectively. We see 2022 as such an opportunity for family enterprises. An opportunity to build on your commitment to family. To develop more capable, agile family members to lead your enterprises into whatever challenges lay ahead. To make your family’s involvement with all its enterprises a strategic advantage. To help make the world just a bit better.


Family Businesses Must Plan for the Unthinkable


Generation6 Advisor Insights: Family Business Philanthropy