Working with a coach creates a safe, neutral space that is as rare as it is valuable.
Being part of a family enterprise can be complicated. It is natural to struggle with family and business issues, which often seem to have no win-win course of action. Where do you go gain perspective, talk through different struggles and scenarios, and get challenged to grow?
The fundamental starting point in any relationship between you and your coach is that the coach trusts that you hold the answer and that their role is to help you explore your options and assumptions. Their role is to support you in becoming more self-aware of your strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots. What is more, your coach emboldens you to take ownership for each. They encourage you to develop deeper empathy for people, especially for those you lead. They help you develop the ability to frame complex issues by distilling down the essence of a decision. And lastly, they support you in creating value from change, or innovating. Developing these for agilities is how you develop your capacity as well as the mindfulness of being agile enough to know which approach or gear will help you be most effective as a leader.
Reach out to Veronica Maldonado to learn more about how we can support you.