Helping families achieve their objectives is at the core of our mission
Building a multigenerational legacy that ensures commitment from future owners and stewards presents entrepreneurial families with existential challenges. As families grow over time, they tend to grow apart. Family members spend less time together and are less exposed to the business.
The ensuing lack of connection and knowledge weakens family members’ commitment. Selfish interests are prioritized over family. Any strong foundation of shared values and common purpose wanes. The family becomes less resilient, and family enterprise continuity is endangered.
These challenges can be leveraged into distinctive advantages: Families that manage to ensure commitment by nurturing a sense of responsible stewardship can develop lasting family bonds that support thriving family enterprises.
While owners find the need to invest in business excellence self-evident, the essential question upon which multigenerational success hinges is often at best an afterthought: “What does it mean to be a successful family?” The route to and definition of “success” is different for every enterprising family. How to navigate this journey is at the core of our mission.

We help you build family capacity to enable business continuity
We help unify and strengthen families, preparing them for challenges they will face as they manage and grow their businesses and legacies. By focusing on issues at the intersection of family and business, we bring clarity to both, allowing owners to continue building sustainable success. At the heart of this is family capacity: The knowledge, orientation and skills necessary to steer family and enterprise, while remaining united, aligned, and actionable.
Our progressive approach prioritizes relationships and capabilities over structure. When family enterprises focus on structural solutions to ownership and business issues before building family capacity, emotional and historical conflicts tend to become entrenched within legal and reporting frameworks, making them more difficult to resolve.
Our approach is rooted in our values.
We act with integrity.
Our word is our bond. We stay true to our values, promises, commitments, and our mission.
We are honest and candid.
The integrity of any human system is based on honesty and direct communication. We are dedicated to demonstrating honesty and candor in all we do.
We are empathetic and generous.
We appreciate and listen to everyone’s experience and perspective, and we strive to be generous in every respect, including with time, attention, wisdom, and attitude.
We prize accountability and oversight.
Making sure we serve others well requires us to continuously evaluate what we do, own our shortcomings and mistakes, and invite others to improve our work through oversight.
We collaborate and promote mutual support.
We believe in creating an environment of mutual support and collaboration for our clients and consultants. Through collaboration, we can take on the challenges that enable us to build long-term, sustainable relationships.
We rely on rigorous and useful scholarship.
We apply insights from rigorous academic research in order to bring about practical usage while individually driving clients’ success.