Building family capacity to enable business continuity
Generation6 supports your family enterprise on its journey to reach full potential.
Strong families stand at the core of every successful family enterprise. We’re here to help you find your strength.
Our Purpose
With every family enterprise comes a community of stakeholders that depend on their sustainability. At the core of our mission lies our dedication not just to our clients, but to all those who count on them.
Our Services
We provide bespoke solutions to family enterprise challenges at the family, business, and ownership levels that strengthen family relationships and enhance business effectiveness.
Our Process
We leverage psychological, financial, and strategic understanding to promote family development and growth, and capitalize on research and data-supported corroboration rather than anecdotal evidence and quick-fix solutions.
Relationship quality is the ultimate constraint on family enterprise continuity.
Enterprises supported by a unified owning family are a source of pride, fulfillment, and wealth, and an extended tribe to their many stakeholders.
Family and stakeholder alignment and unity require thoughtful and intentional commitments by the family enterprise. Failure to develop alignment and unity comes with a cost to the enterprise and the family.
Successful multigenerational families understand that it takes an effort to keep the growing family and shareholder group educated, aligned, and united.
These families know that committed stewards are cultivated, and not born. At Generation6, we support families on their journey to the 6th generation and beyond of family ownership and stewardship.